Christmas Services and Concerts

We would love to see you over the holidays here at St. Paul's. 
It is always a privilege and honor to serve and to share our Savior with others.

To the right are the many services and concerts available at St. Paul's or online. Items in italics are here at St. Paul's. 

Livestreams are available for almost everything these days. Most of the concerts above can be found on streaming sites for various institutions.

St. Paul’s at
Winnebago Lutheran Academy at
Martin Luther College at
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary at

Want other opportunities for concerts and music? Almost every Area Lutheran High School and our two synodically funded high schools Luther Preparatory School ( and Michigan Lutheran Seminary ( offer Christmas Concerts and Livestream them as well. Visit their websites and load up on the Christmas joy.

December 1
Advent by Candlelight by WInGS at 1 pm

December 7
WLA Winter Band Concert at 4:00 pm
MLC Christmas Concert at 7:30 pm

December  8
MLC Christmas Concert at 4 pm
Wis. Luth. Sem. Christmas 3 pm & 7 pm

December 13
Joyful Witness Concert at 7 pm

December 14
Christmas for Kids 10-11:30 am
Joyful Witness Concert at 2 pm

December 15
Children’s Christmas Service at 4 pm

December 19
WLA Christmas Concert at 7 pm

December 20
WLA Christmas Concert at 1 pm

December 24
Christmas Eve Worship 4 PM & 6 PM 

December 25
Christmas Day Worship 9 AM

December 31
New Year’s Eve Worship 6:30 PM